Raja Ampat dilengkapi dengan berbagai pilihan akomodasi yang akan mendukung liburan Anda. Untuk stay-cation atau beristirahat sejenak kala menghabiskan waktu di surga kecil di Mahkota pulau Burung "Papua". Jenis akomodasi di Raja Ampat begitu lengkap, mulai dari Hotel, Resort, Cottage, Hostelry, Homestay, hingga Liveaboard (LoB).

Seluruh pelaku usaha akomodasi wisata yang telah menjadi mitra resmi Dinas Pariwisata Raja Ampat ini pun telah mematuhi Standard Operational Procedure (SOP), khususnya konsep pariwisata berkelanjutan Raja Ampat, untuk menjaga kawasan ini tetap lestari.

Jelajahi dan tentukan sendiri mana akomodasi yang paling cocok dengan gaya liburan Anda.


Do you remember the story of “The Wizard of Oz”? In this story we saw the characters of Dorothy.


Many people were hoping that if the Democrats won control of Congress they would reverse the online


Some people find it hard to find the right perfume. This may smell good when this is sprayed into the air.


Do you remember the story of “The Wizard of Oz”? In this story we saw the characters of Dorothy.


Many people were hoping that if the Democrats won control of Congress they would reverse the online


Some people find it hard to find the right perfume. This may smell good when this is sprayed into the air.